Wedding Photographer Leiden: Getting married at the Hortus Botanicus and the Engelbertha Hoeve


Wedding Photographer Leiden: Getting married at the Hortus Botanicus with an evening celebration at the Engelberthahoeve Leiden

On Friday, I was present as a wedding photographer at a beautiful wedding in Leiden. I believe it was the rainiest wedding of my entire career as a wedding photographer, but this couple had no issues with it at all and fully enjoyed their wedding day.

Wedding photos of the groom getting dressed in Leidschendam

I began in the morning by photographing the groom getting dressed at his parents' home in Leidschendam. Subsequently, I drove to their shared residence, where the bride was getting her makeup done and her bridal hairstyle taken care of. Once all of this was done, it was time to put on the beautiful wedding dress.

Everyone eagerly waiting for the bride to come down the stairs

Meanwhile, everything had run a bit behind schedule, and the groom and his family were waiting under umbrellas at the front door for the moment when the bride would come down the stairs. After a beautiful and emotional moment, the row of buttons at the back of the wedding dress still had to be fastened, for which there had been no time in the rush.

Taking a taxi with the bridal couple to Hortus Botanicus for the photoshoot

From home, I was taken with the bridal couple by taxi to the Hortus Botanicus, where we did the wedding reportage in various beautiful greenhouses with tropical plants. However, we were not the only bridal couple that had chosen the Hortus Botanicus as an indoor location for their wedding photoshoot on that rainy Friday. Because what could be a more beautiful indoor location for a wedding photoshoot than the Hortus?

A civil marriage in the orangery of the Hortus Botanicus

After the photoshoot, we gathered in the orangery, where all the guests met, and the civil marriage took place. A beautiful wedding ceremony with fun speeches from good friends. After the vows and the exchange of wedding rings, a toast was raised to the newlyweds, and the beautiful wedding cake was cut.

A boat tour through the canals of Leiden with the bridal couple and then to the Engelbertha Hoeve in Leiden

At 5:00 PM, we set off with a select group to the quay where a boat picked us up for a tour through the canals of Leiden. Here, the groom surprised his bride as a group of friends stepped into the boat, and champagne was enjoyed. After a brief stop to take a photo at the student house where both had lived, we departed by boat to the restaurant Engelbertha Hoeve in Leiden, where the wedding dinner took place, and the evening celebration began with a live band.

At 10:00 PM, a taxi took me back to my car, and I began the journey back to Limburg.

"Door uitval van een andere fotograaf kwam Shirley op ons pad, en wat een geluk! Prachtige foto's, ontspannen sfeer en heldere afspraken. Ik voelde me heel goed om mijn gemak tijdens de shoot, en gedurende de dag merkte ik eigenlijk niet dat ze aanwezig was (wat ik heel erg knap vindt, echt een compliment!). Ik heb veel complimenten over de foto's gekregen, ik kan haar echt zeer van harte aanbevelen!" 

Gepubliceerd op de website van The Perfect Wedding.


Wedding cake
Pak bruidegom
Haar bruid
Party location

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Wedding Photographer Leiden: Getting married at the Hortus Botanicus and the Engelbertha Hoeve



